Art for kids

Are you looking for some lovely art for kids, we have you covered. Here you can find some of our KiddyCharts exclusives, like our flagship product, our Animal Colouring Book, which is a gorgeous book that boasts of 24 stunning illustrations for you to color in.

The book includes 12 pages for the younger kids to colour in, which are equally stunning but a bit less complicated. Then you can find 12 of the same illustrations in a more detailed design for your older kids, or yourself too! This book is a lot of fun and can lead to some wonderful quality time as you can sit together as a family for some mindfulness family time or better yet, you can find some time for yourself by having your kids spend some time working on these lovely sheets together.

Check out the book below!

Don’t worry, there’s more than just our flagship book in store for you. In our shop you can find many products, from advent calendars to brighten up the holidays and help your kids with the anticipation of the lead up to Christmas.

We also have some lovely colouring books for you to enjoy that are different from our animals coluring book. So, if you want some mindfulness Mandalas to colour in or are looking for some art for kids we have lots for you to choose from.

Do remember that KiddyCharts is a social enterprise, which means that we donate proceeds from our sales to charity. So do have a look at we have in store, and download something to keep the kids (or yourself) entertained.