30-day Sibling Challenge: To help ease brother and sister fighting


Sibling rivalry and brother and sister fighting can be a bit of a challenge for parents; so why not change their mindset with this reward-based 30 day challenge. Download it today.


Sometimes all you need is a little distraction to help kids to move away from their arguments – and that’s what the 30-day sibling challenge is all about. We’ve devised it so that you can help ease brother and sister fighting and arguments by using rewards, and treats to develop a more positive attitude and relationship to one another.

There are 30 challenges included covering various aspects of the relationship but including:

  • No teasing,
  • Leaving a little love note for the sibling,
  • Inventing a game together,
  • Greeting each other with a smile, and
  • Giving each other a hug.

The rules of the challenge are included within the set of two sheets provided for this daily challenge. 30 challenges for 30 days. You can determine what rewards are offered to those involved yourself of course. Possible ideas might be dependant on the interests of the child, but could include:

  • More bedtime stories at night,
  • Additional time on screens,
  • You can do one of their chores for them,
  • More books from the library, and
  • Anything that works for your child.

We like to focus on rewards that are based around giving additional time, rather than those with a monetary value, but this is up to you.

Brother and sister fighting is often a way of vying for parental attention, so if the rewards within the challenge are focused on developing that attention, and even giving a little more of you time, it may be that they are more successful. For more ideas on some of the rewards that kids like, do check out these rewards devised by a 6 year old, which are a mixture of both those that cost, and those that are free.

This is free within the premium site, or £5.95 otherwise – why not download it today and help that sibling rivalry take a backseat.


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