Time worksheets: Telling time worksheets


Telling time can be difficult for kids. That’s why we try and bring you different resources to give you a different approach depending on what your kids will more connect with.


Telling time can be difficult for kids. That’s why we try and bring you different resources to give you a different approach depending on what your kids will more connect with. We have another printable in the shop for you to help the kids with telling time, but these time worksheets are different and can be used hand in hand with that printable. 

What can you find in this printable?

Let’s take a look!

Our time worksheets can give your kids the opportunity to;

  • Write the time in 12 and 24 hours,
  • Draw hands on the clock to match the time in the box,
  • Look at the digital clock and write the 24 hour time in what the 12 hour time would be,
  • Circle the correct time based on what they see on an analog clock, and,
  • Match the digital and analog clocks in 24 hour time.

The kids will have the opportunity to do this on multiple instances, so they will have more chances to practice and these chances will help them develop their skills in telling time. 

We know that these simple sheets will help your kids continue their skills so recommend you using them repeatedly. You can print out the sheets once and laminate them so the kids can work on them over and over. Or if your kids prefer to use pencil print them out as and when you need them. 

The resources in our shop can be used in the classroom or at home and they can be used in conjunction with other methods that you may be using to help the kids learn to tell time. 

We hope that you find our resources helpful, and take the time to browse the site and find more printables to help you when teaching your kids. Have a browse and find your next printable here!


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